Goal Setting to Get What you Want

Goal Setting is Powerful!

Goal Setting and Manifestation


There is nothing more powerful, or magical than knowing where you want go.  Imagine, if you could achieve your dreams, your desires, how would you know how to get their if you do not know where you are going?  Right?  If you want to be successful, it is important to first discover what it is you wish to succeed in …  It is simple, but perhaps not as easy as many would expect.

Are you ready?  Let’s get started!

Even if you have failed with goal-setting exercises in the past, you will find much value in the technique described.

At times, what we think we want is no where near the truth … which can sometimes be difficult to get, especially from your self.  So together, we will unlock your dreams, one goal at a time.  This system works very well, like magickal fairy dust … creating a map that will lead you to your destination.


Step One:

Write down your goals


Purchase a new notebook and a new pen, devote them both to you and your happiness.  Now choose one goal that you have for yourself, just one … the one that you think about the most … a goal for yourself.  For example, you could set a goal of losing ten pounds, starting a new business or even getting a new pool.  If you have big plans, celebrate that.

Focus on one goal that is a part of the entire picture … one brick of your castle, in your kingdom … Really give it a lot of thought … before you move on to the next step.  Make sure the goal you are working for is something you really want, not just something that sounds good.

Fess up to your real desires … When setting goals it is important to remember that your goals must be consistent with your values and a goal can not contradict any of your other goals you have for yourself.

Once you decide your goal, write it down in your notebook, devoted to your happiness!  The written word is very powerful … Expect magic!  Write it down, set it in motion, like a seamstress creating a beautiful web of thread that will surely become a work of art.


Step Two: 

Be sure your goal is written in the positive, meaning you are writing down what you do want, not what you don’t want.  This will allow your conscious mind and your subconscious mind to work in harmony.  By stating the positive, your subconscious mind will take you there … creating possibilities, challenges that allow you to break your road blocks and coincidence that serves in keeping you on path … headed toward your goal.  Cool, hugh?

If you write in the negative this also applies, only your conscious and subconscious mind will be in conflict, because your subconscious mind only sees the positive.  If you say you do not want something, it will take you to what you do not want making it much more difficult to achieve your goal.  Also, do not share your goal with others.  The negative attitudes of others will only distract you.


Mind Map

Mind Maps can help you

See some great examples of mind maps here

Step Three:


So you know what you want.

Okay, well let’s take a look at it for a moment.

Imagine what your life would be like if you realized the goal you just identified. Create a detailed fantasy about it.  Observe your dream coming true and explore the sensuality of this occurrence – the sights, the scents, the sounds, etc. You may or may not want to write about this in your journal.  What is important is that you do it in your mind.  This is very powerful! 

Now describe your experience with adjectives.  By using adjectives, you can avoid unintended consequences that sometimes occur when the goal is reached … simply by focusing all your efforts on the quality of the experience you want to create.

Describe the experience with adjectives … at least three.  Get out the thesaurus and sum up your goal by creating a adjective goal.  For example, you may find that your desire to be thinner is really a desire to be healthy, fit, confident and energetic.

Be prepared:  Your adjective goal might contradict your stated goal, and you will have to rethink your goal.  This is okay and perfectly normal.  Record it in your notebook dedicated to your happiness and restructure your goal to fit your adjective description.


Step Four:

Find joy in the present moment as often as possible.  Recognise the beauty of the day and feel as much gratitude as you possibly can.  Your goal willp eventually come to pass and you will be headed toward another one, building your kingdom and your castle brick by brick!  God Bless

by Nadia


StormJewel Says: Thanks Nadia for another fantastic and empowering article!

If you’d like a bit more information on Manifestation and the Law of Attraction, why not see Nadia’s article on Manifestation here.  Or if you want a bit more hlep with the writing down of your goals you should take a look at this article by me on finding out your life’s purpose.

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