How to Use Chakras in Healing & Divination

Chakras on the bodyBy opening your chakras you can to connect with the universal healing energy of the universe, and also to connect with another person which is great for psychic insights.

This allows you to heal yourself and others as well as tap hidden knowledge which helps you to do an accurate divination reading.

I use the method detailed below to open my chakras before I do a tarot reading.  What I’ve written below is also good for meditation, healing yourself and others.

How to Open your Chakras

A great way to open your chakras is to imagine each one opening like a flower.

However if you do this it is Extremely Important that you also close your chakras afterwards as you may even get sick or overly affected by others’ moods. This can be easily done by going through the chakras in your mind and imagine them closing like a flower bud.

You will still want to allow energy to flow  through them but not be so open that you become hypersensitive to the feelings and moods of others. I also like to run a hand from the top of my head to my groin to make sure all of them have shut properly.

A Chakra Meditation

  • I like to imagine a bright light descending from the sky, forming a slowly spinning ball above the top of my head (the crown chakra).
  • After a few minutes imagine it entering your mind, calming any thoughts.
    The light is now swirling round your third eye or brow chakra – the centre for thinking but also for psychic abilities.
  • Picture it descending to your throat chakra and spinning there, all the while imagining each time you breathe in that the light intensifies within you. If, like me, you have a lot of throat infections, this is a good place to spend some time on.
  • The next chakra is the heart chakra, as you may expect particularly important for the emotions, and patients who need emotional healing will benefit from the right crystal (perhaps rose quartz) focused in this area.
  • Now imagine the light floating down to your solar plexus.If you suffer from anxiety you should feel some great relief by taking some deep breaths and imagining the light intensifying here. Chakra imbalances in this area can also lead to loss of confidence and depression.  This area is also vital for psychic abilities and astral travelling.
  • The light continues down to your belly or sacral chakra. This is about two inches below your navel.
    This is an important chakra for creativity, expression of emotions and ‘gut’ feelings or intuition.
  • Finally the last chakra is your root chakra, it is found at the base of your spine, and also by your public bone.
    This is a very important chakra for feeling grounded, secure and happy in your life, so spend some time letting the light shine!

Finished! but don’t forget to close your chakras after!

Bright Blessings

StormJewel x

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