Introduction To The Chakras

Chakra Card by

Introduction To The Chakras Almost all religions have some sort of belief in the energy and spiritual power points of the body and these power points are called chakras.  The earliest records of these sacred energy centers come from India around 2500 B.C., as mention of chakras are found in the later Upanishads, including specifically…

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How to Do Telepathy

What is telepathy

What is Telepathy and How do you do it? Is it possible to transfer thoughts and feelings from one person to another?  Can you signal your friend in a time of danger?  Are you able to answer the phone, greeting the caller before the phone even rings? Many people say Yes, you can! Telepathy, a…

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Meditating is Easy – How to do A Daily Meditation

How to do a Daily Meditation

What is Meditation? And Why Do People Do It? Practiced for centuries, meditation is an important part of numerous religious traditions and belief systems. Meditation is a well-known method of healing and is a way of expressing self-love. There are as many reasons why people meditate as there are styles of meditation. Although the umbrella…

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Angelic Guidance – How to Talk with Angels

How to talk to Angels

Did you know that Angels can help, protect and guide you? In this article find out how to communicate with your angels, and more about these divine lightworkers. Who and what are the Angels? Angels are divine messengers of God … high spiritual, egoless beings of radiant light and unconditional love, who co-exist with us,…

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Take Control of your Future with a Psychic Reading!

Take control of your future with a psychic reading

The future is shaped by many factors, some known and some unknown to you. By learning where your current path is taking you, it allows you to empower yourself and continue on that path or make a new one, and a psychic can help you make that happen. If you feel lost or in need…

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Can Astrology Predict Your Future?

Astrology and Your Future

Yes, astrology can help you know your future but not to win lotteries or help you in pick the winner of the grand national race horse, nor is it going to tell you when your latest crush will be proposing to you.It won’t help you to jump various stages of relationship. What it can help…

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How to Use Feng Shui to Improve Your Life

Feng Shui Luck Coins

Feng Shui is a 4,000 year old Chinese art which promotes health, wealth and happiness by harnessing positive energy or ‘chi’ from your environment. According to the principles off Feng Shui, you can bring good luck into your life and protect yourself from bad luck with this ancient system. Businesses and successful individuals in the…

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How to Use Chakras in Healing & Divination

Chakras on the body

By opening your chakras you can to connect with the universal healing energy of the universe, and also to connect with another person which is great for psychic insights. This allows you to heal yourself and others as well as tap hidden knowledge which helps you to do an accurate divination reading. I use the…

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Are You Psychic? Easy Divination Methods

Are You Psychic?

My psychic readers have had years of practice and can quickly and easily give you excellent advice, but why not start learning to read your own future? Firstly you may want to know if you are psychic, clairvoyant or have ESP (extra sensory perception)? Well almost certainly the answer is yes as we all have…

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